Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Faruque Ahmed’s Letter to Radio 2UE

Faruque Ahmed
P O Box – 349
Alexandria, NSW – 2015
Mobile: 041 091 4118

Station Manager
Radio 2UE
Level 1, 170 Pacific Highway
Greenwich NSW 2065
Fax - 02 9930 9894

Subject: Jim Ball of your Radio 2UE (formerly a broadcaster on 2GB) Has Been Inciting against many Ethno Religious Communities in and from this Country

Dear Sir/Madam

Jim Ball of your radio 2UE allowed a male caller to claim, “…it is written in Qur-an that the Jews are the children of apes and pigs …”, this was at approximately 12.37 am, 12th of August 2009 (and I am paraphrasing). Jim also agreed with him. He did so with excitement and he made further comments which added more fuel to the fire, he said, “That’s right, it is written in the Qur-an …” (.and again I am paraphrasing).

I then managed to contact his producer and with some difficulty. I then requested him to pass my message to Jim that:
1. He must let me know in which part of the Qur-an it says, “The Jews are children of apes and pigs”?
2. Should he fail to broadcast the source mentioned above, that he claimed was drawn from the Qur-an, then he must broadcast an apology for inciting hate against Muslims of many ethnic backgrounds, which includes myself.

So far I have not heard from Jim Ball or your station.

At about 1.12 a.m. 12th of August 2009, Jim Ball allowed another caller to say, “…. People of the so called religion of peace wrote to the government in 1991 and as a result Bob Hawke and Kim Beazley stopped Australian soldiers wearing uniform in their own country, …. “ (and I am paraphrasing). Jim Ball has used this and many more totally false and fabricated claims and propaganda to incite against many ethnic groups of Islamic origin or background.

However, after the second incident mentioned above, I have requested his producer to pass the message that, whether Jim Ball provides the Qur-anic reference or apology, he must let me know if the latter occurs; so that I can hear that apology myself. His producer took my message. The producer, a person known to me as, ‘Tom’ later rang me, and after a short conversation he said, “Jim is looking for the reference and I will inform you if he broadcasts the reference or apology”.

This producer has my contact details such as my mobile phone number. I have not heard from this producer or anyone from 2UE, as of the date of this letter.

Naturally and as a consequence, many people I know were angry about Jim Ball’s deliberate incitement, prejudice and his bigotry continuum. Many people are also very upset about his point blank refusal to allow a right of reply.

After 3.00 a.m. an Arab Christian, who has a fairly good knowledge about the Bible and the Qur-an rang up the Jim Ball program to clear the air and to clarify the position about the issue Jim Ball had allowed to be aired and on which Jim Ball, himself had made comment on. Alas! After a fiery exchange with the producer, he was refused to put his valid point of view and to be allowed to go on air.

Jim Ball has been manufacturing consent and negative opinion on the subjects of ethnics, migrants, Muslims and Aboriginals. In addition he has been inciting against ethnic groups of Islamic origin based on totally false and fabricated reasons and grounds. He also refuses to provide any right of reply. An example of this denial of the right of reply is described above.

It is important to note that Jim Ball, formerly of 2GB, was forced to forward an apology, that was recently, read out on 2GB’s David Oldfield program. This was read out by David Oldfield on behalf of 2GB’s management in relation to Jim Ball’s earlier comments when he was with that radio station. David made this apology, as described while I was talking to him on air.

I also advise the well known program, Media Watch of ABC exposed Jim Ball’s prejudice and bigotry a number of times. I provide examples of such comments by Media Watch below.
1. Usual Jim Ball lies

Muslim bashing based on totally false and engineered facts

Collecting anti-Arab and anti-Muslim stories from corrupt and Zionist sources. Then doctor those items to make them worse and then broadcast and web them to incite against others

I therefore request of you:
1. To stop Jim Ball and your own radio 2UE from inciting against all ethno religious communities that belongs or are linked to the Islamic religion.
2. To take appropriate steps to stop your own radio 2UE and Jim Ball from inciting against all ethno religious communities which belong to, or are linked with, the Islamic religion on his radio program and on his website(s).

With thanks.

Sincerely yours

Faruque Ahmed
Thursday, August 20, 2009


  1. This proves that the Media In Australia is double standard ,prejudiced,racist out of control of the government. The media authority is corrupted. No wonder why in Australia there are fewer radio and TV channels than other countries. Because the media mafia wants to have the monopoly over people for the interests of some people with extreme views. This usually leads to hatred and anti- democratic insults based on prejudice. This is what the so-called western democracy or capitalism is.
